Sunday, 4 March 2012

not much time left

I was looking over my time table and I've realized there really isn't much time left on the course, we're already two weeks into the project yet we've had little guidance into what we're supposed to be doing, our brief has been just that, very brief - this could be they're way of introducing us into the second year style of working, receiving a vague short brief and making the project into what you want --> what you do with it it entirely up to you, in a way I guess its good because you have complete control over it. so far for this project I've gone out and taken photos of places that i like for any reason, I've gone out during the day, the afternoon and at night each time visiting the same strip of land and what I've noticed is each time I've photographed very similar things so through primary research I've found my self a theme to work from. The theme is freedom, at what ever stage in your life that you may be, you're always trying to be free to do what you want, that doesn't mean it I think everyone is an anarchist, I don't mean that at all. what I mean is we strive for a greater degree of freedom within everything we do, we may not realize it at the time, its only when you look back retrospectively that you notice. Here are some photos that inspired me to come up with this theme

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